One of the many advantages to having your vehicle repaired at Colorado Coach Auto Body is the streamlined process of securing your rental car at the on-site Enterprise Rent-A-Car location right next door. Colorado Coach Auto Body customers are offered the best rates possible from Enterprise due to the joint leasing arrangement.
Once you arrive to have an estimate done on your vehicle, your upcoming appointment is scheduled for the repair. From there, Enterprise coordinates with you to then schedule your rental car reservation and work with your insurance adjuster. They will have your car ready the day you drop off your car for repair.
During the repair process, we frequently contact our customers to provide updates on their vehicle repairs, and we can often call Enterprise if the rental needs to be extended should any unexpected circumstances arise such as unforeseen damage, insurance re-inspection, or parts availability. We will also receive calls from Enterprise for updates on the customer vehicles.
We understand that having a vehicle repaired is never a convenient task, yet having Enterprise Rent-A-Car on-site door is pretty handy.