The Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Colorado
According to data from the Colorado Department of Transportation, 691 people lost their lives in auto accidents on Colorado roads in 2021. This number has increased by 50% since 2011. Many of those deaths were caused by an impaired driver, up 44% since 2019. On the bright side, Colorado ranks fairly low nationwide for auto accident-related deaths.
In 2021, Colorado had a total of 92,475 auto accidents, 4,421 of which happened in Boulder county alone. So, what are the most common causes of auto accidents in Colorado? How can they be avoided? Read on for your answers.
To gather this useful information, we used the Colorado Crash Data Dashboard from 2021.
First Harmful Event Data
As you can see above, the majority of car crashes in Colorado were caused by front-to-rear accidents. Second to this included front-to-side, followed by side-to-side and parked cars all coming in above 5,000 accidents in 2021.
Occupants Data
When looking at occupants involved in auto accidents in Colorado in 2021, you’ll see that the majority of them are within the 25-34 age range. For driver action, careless driving, failing to yield, following too closely, and lane violations all largely contributed to accidents. For driver contributor factors, driver inexperience, aggressive driving, and a multitude of distractions caused the accidents. 4,130 drivers were charged with a DUI in 2021, with an additional 9,232 drivers suspected with alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs.
The Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Colorado
- Distracted Driving
This includes drivers who aren’t paying attention to road signs and traffic and also includes distractions like cell phones, GPS systems, or food. According to the NHTSA, distracted driving is the cause of about 40 percent of all auto accidents.
- Speeding
When speeding limits are determined, many factors come into play. Commercial and residential locations, road curves, construction, and much more are all involved in speed limit decisions. When a driver ignores these limits, they decrease their ability to control the vehicle and increase their likelihood of crashing.
- Driving Under the Influence
This goes without being said – driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol causes dangerous driving conditions. Alcohol specifically slows drivers’ reaction speeds, making them less able to respond to changing driving events.
- Reckless Driving
Reckless driving includes acts by drivers that disregard the safety of others or themselves on the road. Weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, aggressive driving, cutting off drivers, and much more is considered reckless driving. Plus, reckless driving is a class 2 driving misdemeanor in Colorado!
- Inexperienced Drivers
Driving safety typically comes with experience. Young and inexperienced drivers account for a large portion of auto accidents in Colorado and throughout the United States. They are more likely to make mistakes while driving, or even break laws like texting while driving, driving intoxicated, or speeding.
To avoid these common causes of auto accidents in Colorado, make sure to stay alert while driving. Follow the road laws and signs, and be aware of your surroundings. Sometimes auto accidents are unavoidable. In these instances, make sure to give us a call to schedule a free estimate.